SambaXP 2018


  • M.Sc. in Computational Biology
  • Ph.D. in Microbiology
  • Samba Team member


  • Rust Intro
  • The Example Project
  • Challenges
  • Conclusions

Rust Intro

If someone claims to have the perfect programming language, he is either a fool or a salesman or both.
Bjarne Stroustrup


"The [Samba] project does need to consider the use of other, safer languages."
Jeremy Allison, SambaXP 2016


No, honestly, why?

  • Avoid whole classes of bugs
  • New languages, new features
  • It's getting harder to find C programmers


  • 80% C, 7% Python (2)
  • ~ 2 million lines of code
  • ~ 15-20 regular contributors


  • Announced 2010
  • C-like, compiled language
  • Focus on memory safety
  • Package management with cargo
  • Still a bit of a moving target
  • Programmers call themselves "Rustacians"


Hello, World!

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Introducing the example project.


  • Write a DNS parser in Rust
  • Build as a shared library
  • Link with Samba
  • Profit!

Initial Experiment: Building a Shared Library

Explained in the Rust Book

name = "embed"
crate-type = ["dylib"]

Second Experiment: Linking with Samba

  • Preferred build system for Rust is cargo
  • Preferred build system for Samba is waf
  • Fiddly and not very exciting

Idea: Build a small demo first, then figure out how to link

New Plan

  • Make up a simple DNS-like protocol
  • Build a parser for it in Rust
  • Build as a shared library
  • Load from a C application
  • Profit!

The FancyTalk Protocol

    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12 13 14 15
   |                      ID                       |
   |QR|BD|IT|UL|BL|Reserved|         Red           |
   |        Green          |         Blue          |
   | Query ...                                     |
   | ...                                           |
   | Payload ...                                   |
   | ...                                           |

The FancyTalk Protocol

  • Client sends a query, giving an ID
  • Server looks up the query in the database
  • Server responds with a payload, using bit flags for formatting and fancy colours

Demo Time!


$ cd server
$ cargo run


$ cd client
$ cargo run 65432 greeting

Implementing it

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is.
Jan L. A. van de Snepscheut

Data structure

pub struct Package {
    pub id: u16,
    pub message_type: MessageType,
    pub bold: bool,
    pub italic: bool,
    pub underlined: bool,
    pub blink: bool,
    pub red: u8,
    pub green: u8,
    pub blue: u8,
    pub query: Option<String>,
    pub payload: Option<String>,

pub enum MessageType {


let mut query = Package::new();
query.query = Some(config.query);

let mut out_buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
    let mut encoder = Encoder::new(&mut out_buf);
    query.write(&mut encoder).expect("Failed to encode query");

// send query
// get response

let mut decoder = Decoder::new(&in_buf);
let response = Package::read(&mut decoder).expect("Parsing the response failed");

// Format, colour and print response

Rust Server

loop {
    // Receive query into inbuf
    let mut decoder = Decoder::new(inbuf);
    let query = Package::read(&mut decoder).expect("Parsing query failed");
    let response = lookup_message(&mut messages, &query);

    let mut outbuf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
        let mut encoder = Encoder::new(&mut outbuf);
        response.write(&mut encoder).expect("Encoding response failed");

    // Send response from outbuf

The C Server Concept

while True {
    // Recieve query into in_buffer
    // Call into Rust for parsing in_buf into Package
    query = decode_package(in_buffer, len);
    // "Business logic" in C
    lookup_message(query, response);
    // Call into Rust again to create out_buf for Package
    encode_package(response, &out_buffer, &len);
    // Send response from out_buffer

The Shared API

typedef struct package {
} Package;

Package *decode_package(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len);
int encode_package(const Package *package, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *len);

Hang on a Moment

Who owns memory for the Package struct in decode_package()?

  • Option 1: Rust
  • Option 2: C

Option 1: Rust Owns Memory

  • Rust handles memory allocation
  • C just uses the structs
  • Rust needs to handle deallocation
  • C needs to call back into Rust to free memory

Remember the Free Functions

typedef struct package {
} Package;

Package *decode_package(const uint8_t* buffer, size_t len);
int encode_package(const Package *package, uint8_t **buffer, size_t *len);
void free_package(Package *package);
void free_buffer(uint8_t *buffer);
  • Someone will forget to call the right free soon.

Demo Time!

$ cd c-server
$ make run

Option 2: C Owns Memory

  • Memory ownership passed to calling C code
  • C takes care of freeing the memory
  • Rust needs to allocate memory in a way C can free
  • Idea: Port talloc to Rust


Implementing talloc in Rust

Implementing talloc in Rust

  • Load libtalloc via FFI
  • Provide talloc_named_const() and talloc_free() calls
  • Wrap in Rust layer to make this feel like native code.

talloc FFI

use libc::{size_t, c_int, c_char, c_void};

extern {
    pub fn talloc_named_const(context: *const c_void, size: size_t,
                              name: *const c_char) -> *mut c_void;
    pub fn _talloc_free(context: *mut c_void,
                        location: *const c_char) -> c_int;
  • Now talloc is useable in Rust
  • Needs to be wrapped to feel more Rust-like

talloc Rust Datastructures

  • Basic datastructure to allocate heap memory is Box<>
  • Build a Box<>-like TallocContext<> that uses talloc
  • Use that to allocate memory for transferable data structures

talloc Rust Datastructures

impl<T> TallocContext<T> {
    pub fn new<U>(parent: Option<TallocContext<U>>) -> TallocContext<T> {
        let size = size_of::<T>();
        let name = CString::new("Memory context allocated from Rust.")
        let parent_ptr = match parent {
            Some(tc) => tc.ptr,
            None => null(),
        unsafe {
            let ptr = ffi::talloc_named_const(parent_ptr as *const c_void,
                                              size as size_t, name.as_ptr());
            TallocContext {
                ptr: ptr as *mut u8,
                phantom: PhantomData

talloc Rust Datastructures

impl<T> Drop for TallocContext<T> {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        let name = CString::new("Free in the Rust deallocation logic.")
        unsafe {
            let retcode = ffi::_talloc_free(self.ptr as *mut c_void,
            if retcode != 0 {
                panic!("Failed to free memory!");

There's More

pub struct Package {
    pub id: u16,
    pub message_type: MessageType,
    pub bold: bool,
    pub italic: bool,
    pub underlined: bool,
    pub blink: bool,
    pub red: u8,
    pub green: u8,
    pub blue: u8,
    pub query: Option<String>,
    pub payload: Option<String>,

More Types

pub struct TallocString {
    inner: TallocContext<[u8]>,

pub struct TallocVec<T> {
    context: TallocContext<T>,
    len: usize,
  • We probably want talloc versions of all heap-allocated structures >- Lots of boilerplate

Alternative Idea

  • Make talloc useable as global allocator in Rust
  • Implement Allocate trait
  • But: Not a stable feature yet

End of Detour

Implementing talloc in Rust


Truth is subjectivity.
Søren Kierkegaard


  • Less easy than I had hoped for
  • Need to decide which memory handling method to use
  • How to integrate build systems?
  • How to handle Rust as dependency?
  • Rust community is pretty helpful

Future Work

  • Better talloc-sys implementation?
  • Auto-generate code from IDL
  • Build system integration ☹

Thank you