Sublancin is not a lantibiotic but an S-linked glycopeptide
Trent J. Oman, John M. Boettcher, Huan Wang. Xeania N. Okalibe, and Wilfred A. van der Donk, Nature Chemical Biology, VOL7, February 2011
Sublancin Structure Proposed in Literature
![Old sublancin structure](sublancin_old_structure.png)
Sublancin Gene Cluster
![Sublancin gene cluster](sublancin_cluster.png)
SunI is immunity protein
SunA is prepropeptide
SunT is ABC transporter
BdbA/BdbB are thiol-disulfide oxidoreductases
SunS is glycotransferase
New Proposed Structure
![new sublancin structure](sublancin_new_structure.png)
![ESI-Q/TOF MS plots](esiq_tof_sublancin.png)
Fragmentation, Reducing Conditions
![fragmentation in reducing conditions](fragmentation.png)
Fragmentation, Non-Reducing Conditions
![fragmentation in non-reducing conditions](fragmentation_non_reducing.png)
Identifying the Sugar Moiety
![GC/MS of sublancin and glucose](sublacin_glucose.png)
SunS Recognizes Multiple Sugars
![SunS activity for different substrates](table_sugar_substrates.png)
Bioassay Testing Different Sugars
![bioassay with different substrates](bioessay_different_sugars.png)
Alignments with Similar Prepeptides
![alignments with similar prepeptides](precursor_align.png)
Similar Gene Clusters
![similar gene clusters](similar_gene_clusters.png)
Only the Final Peptide Shows Activity
![bioassay with different sublancin precursors](bioessay_sublancin_steps.png)
Factor Xa: Alternative protease to cleave off leader peptide