I'm using this page to keep track of my personal projects.
Most of my online time is spent working on WorldForge
and Samba
For these projects, I'm also active during the Google Summer of Code program.
If you're a student and interested in "interning" at an Open Source project while being paid by Google next summer, go check this out.
I'm a successful participant of the Google Summer of Code 2005,
the Google Summer of Code 2006
the Google Summer of Code 2007
, and I've been a mentor the years after.
My WorldForge activities currently focus on WOMBAT,
the WorlForge Open Media Browser - Artist Tool. What started out as a pretty frontend for our media repository is turning
into a web-based asset management tool.
My Samba time is currently spent on the internal DNS server developed to make Samba AD installs easier.
You can find more detailed information about my coding-related work on my